Sunday, December 11, 2011

This is My Christmas Post

So I figured with Christmas on the way and everything, I would make an effort to write some sort of Holiday themed post. I have absolutely no plan for this, so we're just going to see where it goes.

I know this sounds cliche, but Christmas has always been so magical time for me. I have seldom a bad memory associated with the Holiday Season. The lights, the smells, the good cheer, the cookies, it's all so comforting and enchanting. When you sit by the fire in your Christmas socks listening to Bing Crosbey and appreciating the beauty of your Christmas tree, it feels like thousands of tiny fairies are kissing and hugging your soul, and warping your heart up in heating pads filled with cinnamon and joy.

However, in the past few years, my Christmas spirit has been missing the mark by a good month.
When the leaves start to change colors and the air starts to get crisper, I get all excited about fall and the leaves and the caramel apples and the pumpkins and so on. But that quickly melts into acute anticipation for Christmas. I start craving candy canes and B101 by mid October, and it tapers off right around Thanksgiving. (Since this is usually around the time that the people around me lose their tolerance for my Christmas excitement and I am forced to tone it down.) I usually try to rationalize with myself that I'm getting too crazed too soon, so I try to reign myself in. However, once I accomplish this, I lose my ability to conjure up the Christmas spirit for when it really counts.

So now I'm sitting here in my apartment burning pine scented candles, listening to Burle Ives and trying to regain some sort of Holiday cheer, but I can't. This is doubly depressing for me because my birthday is in a few days, and I'm not excited about that either. Which SUCKS!

Feeling excited about Christmas and birthdays is like everyone's God-given right. (Unless you don't celebrate Christmas or believe in God, in which case your equivalent holiday/entity can substituted for the sake of this rant.) To deny someone, or yourself for that matter, of feeling joy and excitement over these events is an atrocity. So I say, celebrate Christmas in July if that's when you feel like celebrating it. Invite people to your half birthday party if you're lucky enough to have friends who will play along. It is your right as a human being to extract every last ounce of happiness you can from these festivities, and if you happen to want to do that prematurely, then everyone else will just have to deal with it.

So Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good BLOG!

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