Friday, December 9, 2011

Life Lessons

After a successful 19 years of life, there are a few things I’ve learned about people, life, and humans in general, and I’d like to share them with you.
1. Telling someone to “calm down” usually has the opposite effect.
2. It will always rain after you hand-wash your car.
3. Doing push-ups makes your boobs like 10x better.
4. When it comes down to it, you really do get what you pay for.
5. Karma is real and it will get you.
6. If you work hard at a skill for a long time, and then take a break, you will be better when you pick it up again later.
7. Confidence is everything.
8. The power of the mind and your will is incredible.
9. When you can’t remember something, other people have a hard time remembering it too, even if they know exactly what they’re talking about.
10. When you realize something, the other person will realize it at the same time.
11. Stink bugs are demonic minions who have come to challenge us as humans.
12. Trying to be underground is now mainstream.
13. Paradoxes are awesome.
14. There will always be mysteries of the universe, and most of them shouldn’t be answered.
15. Don’t think too much.
16. Seriously, don’t think too much.
17. Turns out, you really will use that “shit” that you learned in math in middle school. How do you think I afford to go food shopping every week?
18. Babies like pretty people. If you’re ugly, babies won’t care about you.
19. Pretty people can do whatever they want. We pretend like they can’t, but they can.
20. Shoes, keys, phones, and wallets will always leave you when you most need them.
My name is Alex Morrison, and I approve the accuracy of this post.

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